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语数英重要吗2022 语数英的英文怎么写










English, Math, and Chinese are commonly known as the three main academic subjects taught in school. English is the language of the internet, allowing communication from one person to another. Math is the language of numbers, a language that helps us comprehend and study the world around us. Chinese is the language of Confucian classics, a language of literature, and a language that continues to shape Chinese culture. Knowing these three academic subjects allows us to be more informed and successful in everything we do. English is used by people around the world to communicate, teach, and learn. English is often taught in school alongside Math and Chinese; it’s a universal language that serves to bridge gaps between people. It not only allows us to understand and communicate effectively with others, but also understand the thoughts and culture of others. Math is the language of numbers. It helps us understand the laws of nature and develop problem-solving skills. It can help us draw conclusions and build logical solutions to complex questions. Math also helps us develop our capacity to think logically, which is beneficial for all kinds of careers. Chinese is the ancient language of Confucian classics. It is also the language of literature and countless other forms of culture. Learning Chinese enables us to understand ancient culture, as well as learn about the richness of Chinese civilization. It also helps us access modern Chinese culture and gain insight into the minds of Chinese people. Studying English, Math, and Chinese is essential for living and learning in the modern world. Knowing these three academic subjects will help you have a broader understanding of the world and be more successful in whatever you pursue.


Hello! Writing in English depends a lot on the way the words are spelled. For example, the words ‘hello’ and ‘hi’, both mean the same thing but they are written differently. The word ‘hello’ is written with two l’s (h-e-l-l-o) while the word ‘hi’ is written with one (h-i). Other words, such as ‘cat’ and ‘dog’, have the same meaning as well, but again, they are spelled differently. The word ‘cat’ is written with three letters (c-a-t) while the word ‘dog’ is written with three letters (d-o-g). When it comes to writing numbers in English, there are certain rules to follow. For example, all numbers are always written as numerals (1, 2, 3 etc.), not spelled out (one, two, three etc.). Thus if you want to write the number ‘five’, it would be written as ‘5’ and the number ‘forty’ would be written as ‘40’. To ensure you’re spelling words correctly, try to remember mnemonics or create visual images to associate with the spellings of words. Additionally, using a dictionary is always helpful if you’re unsure of how to spell a particular word. Overall, English spelling is not an exact science and it requires a bit of practice and Memorization. Best of luck!



